
Participation in the congress « Journées cicatrisations 2020 » in Paris

Regentis-Pharma participated in the congress “Journées cicatrisations 2020”, organised by the « Société Française et Francophone des Plaies et Cicatrisations » (SFFPC), in Paris from January 26 to 28, 2020. These « Journées Cicatrisations » welcomed 3 500
participants who were given the opportunity to attend plenary sessions, special sessions, modules, forums and industry symposia on topics such as scars, surgery, pressure ulcers, innovations, dressings, complex wounds, diabetic foot wounds, leg ulcers, telemedicine and many others.

These days are a major event for our professional activity, allowing us to learn about new technologies and new advances in terms of healing. In addition, the days promote exchanges between professionals and allow for partnerships.